[Note that this document was converted from a .pdf file – as a result the format has suffered]

1839 Ygnacio Valley Road, Suite 164, Walnut Creek, CA 94598 | ccclp@ca.lp.org

Business Meeting Minutes

Meeting Purpose:

A meeting to conduct business for the Libertarian Party of Contra Costa County (LPCCC).

Date & Time:

Tuesday, October 25, 2022 at 6:00PM.


Virtual Meeting via Zoom (Notice Given via Email/Online).

Executive Committee Members:

Mr. Adrian F Malagon (Chair)

Ms. Alexandria Hatch (Vice Chair)

Ms. Meredith Hays (Secretary)

Absent Executive Committee Members:

Mr. Roberto Nuñez (Treasurer).


Mr. Stephan Ginochio

Mr. Spencer von Glahn

Mr. George Chan

Ms Marla Crannell

Mr. Marc Joffe.

Agenda (As Submitted by the Chair)

Call to Order Roll Call (5 minutes)

Adoption of the Agenda (5 minutes)

Public Comment (10 minutes)

Reports of the Party Officers (25 minutes)

   Chair’s Report (10 minutes)

   Vice Chair’s Report (5 minutes)

   Secretary’s Report (5 minutes)

   Treasurer’s Report (5 minutes)

Libertarian Party of California (10 minutes)

   Discussion: ExCom Meeting Fundraiser in Sacramento, Dec. 10, 2022

   Discussion: Convention [link expired] February 17 - 19, 2023

Social Meet and Greet (5 minutes)

Discussion: Next social is at Sauced BBQ & Spirits, 1410 Locust St., Walnut Creek, CA 94596

Discussion: Next social location and potential date.

Scheduling of next Annual Meeting (10 Minutes)


Call to Order & Roll Call (5 Minutes)

Mr. Malagon, called the meeting to order at 6:03PM.

Ms. Hays called the roll. 3 officers were present, Mr. Nuñez was absent, constituting quorum.

Adoption of the Agenda (5 Minutes)

Motion—Mr. Malagon moved to adopt the agenda, seconded by Ms. Hatch. Mr. Malagon asked if there were any objections. Hearing none, the agenda was adopted.

Public Comment (10 Minutes)

Mr. Malagon opened the meeting up for public comment for anyone who wished to give any.

No one wished to make public comment. Mr. Malagon ended public comment early without objection.

Reports of the Party Officers (25 Minutes)

Chair’s Report:

Mr. Malagon provided an oral report on the following topics and fielded questions:

He discussed how he and the LPCA Chair worked on ballot measure arguments across the State, including. He also offered updates on Mr. Michael Lema’s campaign for Hayward City Council.

Mr. Marc Joffe joined the meeting at 6:14PM.

Vice Chair’s Report:

Ms. Hatch had nothing new to report, but offered to field questions.

Secretary’s Report:

Ms. Hays had nothing new to report, but offered to field questions.

Treasurer’s Report:

Mr. Nuñez was not present to provide a report. Mr. Malagon noted that the account balance should be $1,717.37 after the reimbursement of Ms. Hatch last meeting.

Libertarian Party of California (20 Minutes)

ExCom Meeting in Sacramento:

The next ExCom meeting is in-person in Sacramento, CA on December 10, 2022 at the Double Tree Hilton. The meeting will go from 10:00AM to 5:00PM. Details are TBD.


Information is on the LPCA website. It will be taking place in Sacramento at the Double Tree Hilton on President’s Day Weekend (February 17 – 19, 2023).

Mr. Malagon fielded questions.

Social Meet & Greet (5 Minutes)

Next Scheduled Social:

Taking place on October 28, 2022 at “Sauced BBQ and Spirits” which is located at 1410 Locust St., Walnut Creek, CA 94596 starting at 6:00PM.

Scheduling of Next Social:

Locations for the next social were discussed. Mr. Malagon proposed joining the Libertarian Party of Alameda County’s next two socials which are currently scheduled for November 8, and December 8, 2022 for the purpose of building community with a neighboring affiliate, and making things easier during the holiday season. There was no objection. Mr. Malagon said he would send details via email within a few days.

Scheduling of Next Annual Meeting (5 Minutes)

Motion—Ms. Hays moved to have the next Quarterly Business Meeting on Saturday, January 21, 2023 at 12:00PM, at the Brio Apartments, 161 N. Civic Dr., Walnut Creek, CA 94596, seconded by Mr. Malagon. Mr. Malagon asked if there were any objections. Hearing none, the meeting was scheduled.


Mr. Malagon adjourned the meeting at 7:01PM without objection.


Respectfully Submitted,

Ms. Meredith Hays

Secretary, Libertarian Party of Contra Costa County


Editorial Notes:

1)      It is interesting to note that this meeting was officially scheduled, at the previous meeting, for Monday, October 24th.  I wonder who dropped the ball here.


Respectfully submitted,

Kurt Schultz

Chairman of the CCCLP Bylaws Committee